Published date:
12th December, 2023
Effective from:
12th December, 2023
If you have an existing account, please login to update your choices.
Please read fully and select your choices.
The categories accepted or rejected below affect your experience across the Service.
You may update your choices at any future point.
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What are cookies?
A cookie is a small file placed on your device. Cookies store small amounts of data to tell the Service
how to interact with you as you navigate. You may configure your web-browser to refuse cookies.
Without the use of required cookies however, you may not be able to use the Service.
Why are there optional cookies?
Cookies may, depending on the web-sites you visit and how they use those cookies be used for tracking
your activities across different web-sites. You have rights under GDPR to refuse or limit the use of
cookies to prevent such tracking.
Some cookies are considered optional and enable or enhance capabilities within the Service. You have
control whether these cookies are used. Disabling optional cookies may prevent the ability to use
certain capabilities of the Service.
You may opt-in to specific categories of cookie usage, and revoke that choice at any later time.
The identification and purpose of each cookie is described in this Cookie Policy.